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Summer Safety: Preventing Common Crimes

Summer Safety: Preventing Common Crimes

Insights from the Office for National Statistics suggest crimes spike during summer. Here are five top tips to protect your home and your belongings during the hotter months.

June marks the beginning of summer, a time when many families go on holiday, children are out of school, and communities engage in outdoor activities. However, data from the Office for National Statistics suggests that the season also sees a spike in break-ins and burglaries across the UK. The average cost a break-in to the homeowner is around £4,120 – but you cannot put a price on peace of mind and comfort.

Here at Crime Prevention Services, we have nearly four decades worth of experience in residential security, working with thousands of clients over the years to protect their families and assets. In this blog post, we offer some practical tips for preventing common summer crimes so you can sit back, relax, and unwind in safety.

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Protecting your home while you’re away

ONS data revealed that in 2022, there was a break-in every 118 seconds across homes in the UK. Many thieves operate on a calculated basis, observing your home and your habits to decipher which are easy targets, and when the best time to strike is. The highest number of burglaries occur when homes are vacant. Thankfully, advancements in technology can help deter criminals by mimicking the signs of someone being at home. Here is what we suggest at Crime Prevention Services:

Security lighting and timers

An attractive target to thieves is an unlit house, which signifies that nobody is home or that the occupants are asleep. While it is neither cost-effective or environmentally conscious to leave all your lights on while you are on your family summer holiday, research indicates that intruders are less likely to risk confrontation or break-in to a well-lit property which seems occupied. Lighting timers are one of the most common and effective methods of creating the impression someone is home and homeowners can even manage them remotely via their smartphone.

Security lights are also one of the most effective deterrents for burglars. Since thieves prefer to operate under the cover of darkness, illuminating entry points and shaded areas can discourage them, often startling them in their tracks and forcing them to flee. We offer a range of lighting systems:

  • Floodlights:comprehensivecoverageoflargespaces,increasingvisibilityanddeterring potential threats.

  • Motion Sensor Lights: intelligent systems are triggered with movement, saving energy while increasing visibility.

  • LED Security Lights: durable, minimal-maintenance and energy-efficient, known to reduce operational costs.

  • Solar-Powered Lights: perfect for areas with limited power access, or for eco- conscious homeowners.

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Postpone your post

While none of us enjoy a battle with national goods delivery services, deliveries left on your doorstep for days could result in more than just theft of the brown box. Packages left uncollected outside or near your property is a clear signal to thieves that no one is home. We encourage residents to cancel, postpone, or redirect deliveries, even if they are away for more than a day. Even something as simple as milk, or your daily newspaper delivery, left outside can attract opportunistic burglars. Make sure to cancel any subscriptions or deliveries before you leave – and if you cannot, ask a neighbour or nearby friend to collect your items daily to create the impression that someone is home.

Inform your friends or family

Knowing someone back home is keeping an eye on your property often means that you can relax in the sun with peace of mind. This may be an adage, but asking your trusted neighbours or a local friend to perform simple tasks such as putting the recycling our or picking up post from your doorstep will help maintain the appearance that someone is home. If lighting and timers are not for you, there is always the option of installing a key safe for trusted neighbours or family members to gain access to your house, turn the lights on and off, and close the curtains.

Get it on video

Video doorbells have surged in popularity in recent years and can offer some deterrent. However, our residential CCTV can provide an extra layer of protection. Homeowners can monitor their property remotely from our app and our ARC team can communicate any potential criminals approaching your property via a tannoy, proving an incredible powerful way of encouraging them to leave the property. They can also verify the legitimacy of any suspicious visitors and alert you instantly. As experts in CCTV, we feel its our duty to highlight the importance of video surveillance for home safety:

Live surveillance

You will always have eyes on your property, no matter where you are.


In the unwanted event of a break-in, police can use high-quality footage as evidence.


View live or recorded footage from your smartphone, tablet, or computer, providing convenience and peace of mind


Installing CCTV cameras, and adding signs to warn strangers of this system, also acts as a deterrent.

Don’t boast about your break on social

In this digital age, thieves and criminals leverage people’s openness on social media. In recent years, there has been an increase in break-ins, burglaries, assaults and many more incidents of crime due to unknowing individuals ‘advertising’ situations on social media. Whether it’s a night out or a week-long vacation, check-ins and photos away from home publicise your absence. Even if you have installed the safety measures we have mentioned above, ‘social media proof’ can provide thieves with confidence - especially with geo-tagging. Instead, save your posts and pictures until after you return, so you can share your memories without revealing your whereabouts and avoid potential devastation when you return home.

If you found these tips helpful, share this blog post with your family and friends who are heading on holiday this year. As a family-run business, we take pride in protecting your family home, your valuables and even the welfare of your loved ones - contact Crime Prevention Services for more information on how to stay safe this summer.

Published: 18.06.2024


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